On 1/22/07, Jamie Calder <jcalder3@cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Well I tested the CPS as per the FSM and it showed resistance so I replaced
> it, however the truck still won't start. I checked the CPS and it shows the
> fluctuating voltage as per the FSM so it appears to be good. Cap and rotor
> appear fine. Fuel pressure at 49 PSI. Still no codes. I'm going to check
> what the voltage should be at the injectors. Right now the meter shows only
> 2.5 volts but it's a digital volt meter. I believe an analog meter is better
> for testing quickly fluctuating voltage.
> Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!
> James
My 96 gave me fits too and it turned out to be a minor wiring harness
issue. Not the one that affects the 92-95 model (OBD-II required a
minor modification to the wiring harness and they did away with the
splice). On mine I got lucky when I found the wiring harness problem.
Trace the wires from the crank sensor back to where they plug into
the wiring harness. On the harness side of the plug I was missing
about an inch of insulation on the three wires at the plug. No idea
how the insulation went missing, but it did and I simply heat shrinked
the wires after pulling them from the plug and put them back. Solved
my problem instantly.
Another thing to check, which I had to repair as well, was all the
splices on the driver's side of the engine. There are three or four
in the wiring harness on top of the head that link the tps, cps,
pickup coil and map sensor to each other. Two or three are really
easy to get to and lay in the wiring bundle on top of the head, the
last one is down the harness a little ways behind the block. It was
hard to get to but not so hard that I would call it a pain. I redid
the solder at all of them and forgot to reset my computer (they all
looked like crap too). As soon as I cranked the engine it threw codes
that said voltage higher than normal on the tps, crank position
sensor, map sensor and pickup coil. I reset the pcm and it purred
like a kitten when I was done.
I can dig back through my fsm if needed to tell you the specific
splices if you want me to. I think I left them highlighted just for
that reason.
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