Re: Central Illinois DML Meet/Cookout

Date: Sat Jan 27 2007 - 13:25:27 EST

Terrible Tom <> wrote:
: Chris Reck wrote:
: I'd like to
:> hear any suggestions from those who are interested in attending to see what
:> they think.
:> #1 Memorial Day Weekend May 25th to May 27th
:> #2 My Birthday Weekend August 9th to August 12th
:> #3 Labor Day Weekend September 7th to September 9th
:> #4 Any time in the second half of August

: Right now all of those dates are do-able for me. My plans usually
: change at a moments notice... and I almost never am able to plan in
: advance. Best thing is for everyone else intrested in going, to chime
: in, and I'll plan around whatever date is set.

    I'm going to do the same for now... I'd like to be able to make
it out, but I won't know what is going to work until later. The only
caveat that I can think of might be to be careful not to put it too
close to the BBQ, but of course since that date hasn't been decided
yet, that's easier said than done. ;-)

:> Once a date is decided, I'll try to get a website published to contain the
:> information (maybe Jon would be nice to let me host a page on his site...).

: I'm sure thats not going to be a problem at all. You are the first
: person in a few years - to my knowledge - to attempt to organize a DML
: meet, other than the annual BBQ's. You can can get set up with an event
: profile page. I don't think you even need Jon to do anything? I think
: its self serve like the DML member profiles? Not positive.

   Yep, just go to and go to the Meet Profiles
section, and you can add it in there. There is a fair amount of
info which can be put in there, but if you need something more
than what the profiles can do, let me know and I'm sure I can
set something up for you.

   You technically don't even need to put a date in there if
you wanted to start on it. I leave the BBQ and Daktoberfest
event profiles up all year long and just changed the dates to
"TBD" afterwards until a date for the next year is set. :-)


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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