Re: BBQ plans Was: I've finally got some good news...

From: Josh Battles (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2007 - 10:28:20 EDT

On Thu, June 7, 2007 8:51 am, Jason Bleazard wrote:
> Do you have a cooking stove around? We have a Coleman, but no propane
> for it (better get some). The espresso maker is the stove top kind.

I have my coleman camp stove as well, it will run on the coleman fuel or
regular unleaded. We've got plenty of both so if need be we can use that

>> I heard from Josh and he is planning to arrive sometime tomorrow.
> He'll have to survive on Tim Horton's until Norah gets there to make the
> coffee. :-)

Bob Evans has some pretty good coffee...

- Josh

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