Re: Parting out 1989 4x4 convertible

Date: Mon Sep 10 2007 - 16:42:32 EDT wrote:
> I hate to see it go, it had potential and was a convertible. Unfortunately I
> will not have the time or money to see it to the end, and the recent discovery
> on the tranny pretty much nailed the coffin shut.

   I might be off base here, I tend to get kinda weird when it comes
to cars, but wouldn't it have been better to just sell the thing as a
Dakota Convertible project? I mean, after you strip all those parts
off, they're just plain ol' Dakota parts, with the exception of the
handful of convertible specific pieces. It also greatly devalues the
remainder of the truck - why would somebody want to start with a
completely stripped chassis and have to hunt down a mess of parts when
they could have purchased a complete truck? Your anaolgy of putting a
nail in the coffin is a good one; it may have had a chance to come
back to life before, but (barring some extrordinary circumstances)
stripping it down like this has guaranteed that it's only future now
is as scrap metal.

   I know that the convertibles aren't particularly valuable yet, and
actually, every one that dissapears like this will make mine worth
just a little bit more, but still, its sad to see a vehicle come to
such an end, especially a rare one. Sorry if any of the above sounds
harsh, I don't mean to come across that way, its your truck and you
are welcome to do whatever you want with it, the above were just my
immediate thoughts when I read your message. I guess the root of my
feelings are that after all of the careless scrapping and crushing
that has gone on over the decades, its just somewhat disheartening to
see that we have not yet learned from our past mistakes.


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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