That sounds really cool,I gotta say. Have to check
into this...
Steve P.
--- "Pindell, Tim P" <> wrote:
> HAH! Than reminds me of my high-school chemistry
> class! We made
> nitrogen tri-iodide in stupid quantities. It's VERY
> unstable but not
> really dangerous unless you don't like purple smoke
> or purple stains on
> your clothes. A fly landing on it will set it off
> (much to the
> consternation of the fly). The friction of putting
> it into a container
> can set it off with a loud "SNAP". Whenever
> something fun like that
> happened in class, the chemistry instructor, a
> retired professor from
> the local community college, would yell "SCIENCE!".
> It was fun to
> sprinkle (carefully) on chairs and floors and watch
> the results as
> people walked or sat in it. It would go off with
> the impact of rain
> drops, so a sprinkle of the stuff on the sidewalk
> would make tiny purple
> explosions when it rained. Good 'ol days...
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