Re: Deer hit!

From: Dustin Williams (
Date: Fri Jan 18 2008 - 22:34:32 EST

A college buddy of mine hit a deer on a Yamaha R6 in either Northern
Idaho or Eastern Washington, the deer in that part of the country are
a tad bigger than what you might find on the coasts. He was doing
about 150 (or so he says) when he saw it, he let off the gas but
otherwise held his course not wanting to lay down the bike and not
being able to judge what the deer was going to do, he hit it right in
the middle of the belly and cut it clean in two, never laid down the
bike, and had no injuries. He also couldn't ride the bike until he
walked to a near by farm and cut some of the plastic off the front

His insurance company totaled the bike so the following spring he
bought a R1, after a few months of fun he passed a game warden doing
about 140 or so, got pulled over and got a misdemeanor for reckless
driving and lost his license for a few months.

On Jan 18, 2008 12:21 PM, Don Rey <> wrote:
> Unfortunately I have niether the time or the expertise to cut/hang/etc
> a deer, though the thought crossed my mind. I anticipated the cop
> asking if I wanted it... so I called a few friends. They either had
> too much venison frozen already or had no time to take care of it.
> I dunno about the 25mph comment... I've been in three accidents now.
> Two involved a deer, one involved a Saturn (same thing). I took on
> severe front-end damage in both accidents where I was traveling the
> speed limit. I received only relatively minor rear body damage in the
> one where I more than doubled the speed limit. Soooo I dunno I tend to
> learn (stubbornly maybe) from experience ;-)
> Don in CT (total score 3 points)
> 89 Dak Vert 318 NV3500 4x4 (1 deer, 1 saturn)
> 74 Dart Sport 340 (1 deer)
> On 1/18/08, Kurt Cypher <> wrote:
> >
> > Only if you had been going slightly slower than 60. But, if you had
> > been doing 25, the deer would have had plenty of time to get across the
> > road and well out of the way before you got there.
> > ;)
> >
> > I'm with Bernd, was there anything left that was still edible?
> >
> > Kurt
> >
> >

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