Hey, Ray...
<> Yeah Jon put out that monthly missive and a bunch of
folks probably read it for the first time and it
scared then into not posting for a bit!<>
Yeah, kimda freaks em out, specially after they look up tje definition of
<> BTW, Bob, don't feel bad,I cant figure out how post
post pics here either. I can post them into a forum
for riders I belong to, so here is a link to a pic of
my bike at Lassen National Volcanic Park out here in
Nice!...Where's Lassen at?
<> Really nice that day, and my then GF now finacee, told
me I really, REALLY, needed to go for a ride. I packed
a lunch and took off for Lassen. Just a short hundred
mile ride for a solo picnic. Gave me a good chance to
clear my head and calm my nerves. I figure I was
suffering from PMS, Parked Motorcycle Syndrome!<>
PMS! Ya gotta be a seasonal rider to appreciate THAT!
Susan e-mailed me from work & told me to stop workin on the house (day off)
& go put
some miles on the X Bones...Gotta keep er below 50mph for the first 50
miles. Can't
shift to 6th until 55! Needless to say, by the time I picked Susan up at
work the odometer read 52,,,
We DID hit 6th on I787 & I90 on the way home from bowling (619 triple)!
DOH! A pic posted to a forum! Why didn't I think of THAT?
Here's one:
Bob (DAKSY) Smith
2K SY Dakota Sport +
V-6 4 x 4 5 speed
2K08 HD Softail CrossBones
Satin Black (Not Yellow)
Averill Park, NY
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