Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:02:10 -0500
From: "Mike Sykes" <>
Subject: DML: RE: 5.2 vibration/rumble/groan or something like that...
>>but I still have a nagging groan/vibration. It seems to be around TC
>>lockup, but I'm not convinced the two coincide. Most obvious around 60
>>MPH on the highway with light pressure on the gas... It's sort of a
>>groan/rumble with mild vibration. It seems to lessen as the truck warms
>>up. Worse in colder weather. Ideas?<<
>>hhmmm... time for all the questions they're not gonna' ask you at the
>>shop: in the afore mentioned tuneup, did you change the trans fluid and
>>diff fluids?
Trans yes, fluid and filter.... Diffs, no. Hadn't thought of it for
this issue, more as maintenance for the FLA trip. I'll try that next.
>Does the vibration occur if you accelerate past 60 and are coasting
>under no throttle?
Doesn't seem to. Seems more like light throttle pressure, barely accelerating.
>Do your differentials ratchet for make noise when you take a tight turn?
I don't think so
>Stock ride height?
No, has had 2" add-a-leafs in the rear since I've owned it at 16K miles.
>When trying to pinpoint odd problems, I always tell people to start with
>the cheapest and easiest stuff, then move up as budget persists =)
>- - miggity
thanks! Rick
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