RE: RE: 5.2 vibration/rumble/groan or something like that...

From: Mike Sykes (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2009 - 13:12:44 EST

>>>Stock ride height?
No, has had 2" add-a-leafs in the rear since I've owned it at 16K

I would definitely start with changing the diff fluids, but I don't
think that will fix the droning sound. When I had my 88 2wd, it was
slammed. 5" drop in the rear. It would start to drone and vibrate at
around 55-ish, stop around 60-ish only under load, only while cruising
or accelerating. Turned out it was pinion angle from the suspension
adjustment. Now, I don't want to say that this is what is causing your
vibration, but the similarities are difficult to ignore. =)

The way it was fixed was by adding 2 degree pinion shims between the
axle and the leafs (the universal ones work just fine) and it got
better, but never went away totally. Some things you just gotta' live
with for your art =)

Regardless, the shims are pretty inexpensive and really easy to install.
(goes with my "start with the cheap and easy stuff" methodology).

Good Luck

- miggity

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