Re: Shuts Downs

From: Rick Barnes (
Date: Sat Jan 31 2009 - 17:07:33 EST

My 318 has been such a terrific engine and still just love my Dakota.
It has 192,000 miles on it and I still have most everything original,
even the oxygen sensors, ( I know Bernd, I just ordered new ones and
promise to replace them). Well, just lately, I would pull up to a
light and it would stall. Start right back up, no problem, but if I
gassed it a little to move up a bit, it would stall out. Then I
remembered that I had saved all these great tips from Bernd's old
website and there was the thing about the IAC sensor...naturally, I
never touched it before. Anyway, removed it and it was covered with
carbon...was cleaning it like Bernd recommends...naturally, ( I have a
little disease now so don't be mean), but my old hands are a shaking
and I dropped the darn thing...oh well, cleaned it up, squirted some
carb cleaner in the hole and put it back in the tb, and reinstalled
it. I was so proud I could get the screws back in with these hands of
mine..that is another story...anyway, it sputtered a bit and I had to
work to keep it running for a bit so I took it out and drove it a
couple of miles and it steadily improved and stalls no more. Thanks
Bernd, you are still helping us out. Maybe that will help your 318
out too.


On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Jamie Calder <> wrote:
> My '96 OBDII 318 occasionally shuts down all by itself. If I'm at a light,
> it will just turn off, in drive or neutral however will easily start back up
> when the key is turned. Sometimes it stumbles to the point of almost
> stalling (POAS) but doesn't. It also happens when moving but it starts back
> up right away by itself. Kind of like the key is being turned to off then
> run quickly. A friends mechanic dad said he has seen it once in a 318 van
> and once a Jeep. Replacing the computer was the permanent fix while
> wiggling the computer connector was a temporary fix. I recently (5 months
> ago) replaced the CPS when the truck died and wouldn't start up again.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> James

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