Re: Re: Tranny fluid capacity - reprise

From: Tom Coulter (
Date: Tue Jun 09 2009 - 11:07:35 EDT

A couple prelim. points:

FWIW, Brian's post (perhaps a few others as well) seems to ID the tranny as
"46RE". In Jon's 6/1/09 post, he rightly ID'd it as "42RE". Local Dodge
dealership confirmed that ID from the VIN.

Regarding Ray's comment:
"For a lot less money use this... You can
probably find them at Autozone, NAPA or Advance Auto Parts as well."

I'd say this: as a machinist, I'd be very reluctant to trust a kit like
this that instructs to bore & tap a hole in the thin pan wall. A much
better approach (imho) would be to just obtain a suitable plug (3/8" - 1/2"
dia.) and make a threaded boss to accept the plug. Then I'd simply weld the
boss to a bored hole in the pan. This enables a very strong thread and
ensures that the plug doesn't protrude into the pan (to possibly interfere
w/ whatever). But that's just me ...

Two final questions:
When the pan is dropped, must a new gasket be used when the pan is
reinstalled? (Maybe it comes w/ a new filter?)

Do I gather that once the pan is reinstalled, the tranny is filled from the
dip stick port?

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