Michael Maskalans <dml@tepidcola.com> wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 18:08 , Jon wrote:
>> We had some monster storms roll through here last night, there is
>> massive flood damage to the entire area.
> Wow Jon, that's insane. Was thinking of you guys looking at the radar
> the past few days. I've moved just far enough north that I was not
> getting hammered in these last few storms. The rest of the week after
> today is supposed to be drier, I hope it gives things a chance to
> settle down. I'm sure with that water level and flow things in the
> creeks have changed dramatically. That'll be interesting to see.
For sure. I didn't realize it at the time, but if you remember
that little general store at the end of King Rd. where you'd turn left
to head towards the thruway, if you were to go straight there instead,
in a couple hundred feet, you'd find a 15' gorge where the road used
to be! That's actually the creek that we drive in. Early Monday
morning when the water went down enough to ford across some of the
overspills, we were on that high bridge that crosses the creek right
there. Couldn't see anything because it was too dark, but the water
sounded like some sort of rocket motor - and you could hear trees
snapping as it took them out. Mighty impressive.
> Any idea how much rain you got over there?
According to wunderground.com, it looks like about 3" at the
Dunkirk weather station. I don't know if that is correct or not; 3"
doesn't sound all that impressive. :-) Our average yearly rainfall
is 39", so that would be nearly 8% of our yearly rainfall in one day,
on already saturated ground, so maybe it is. Gowanda (a town just to
the southeast) got really hammered - the Cattaraugus river runs right
through the middle of town, and it rose at a rate of 1 foot per
minute. Over 1/3 of the homes there were damaged, and the last I
heard (a few hours ago), the major roads into town are still closed
due to flooding.
I'm too busy to do it now, but I'm looking forward to seeing what
the ravine and trails look like! I guess the BBQers will find out
together. :-)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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