Re: Daktoberfest 2009

Date: Sat Oct 17 2009 - 23:10:09 EDT

In article <haj26e$3gj$>, writes:
> I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much thought to devote
> to Daktoberfest. If anyone is still interested, maybe we can shoot
> for the 31st? IIRC, that date seemed to work for everyone who posted
> earlier. If that date works, or doesn't, just let me know, and if you
> are planning to attend, please chime in also.

Any ideas on just whats going to happen for Daktoberfest? Or if at all? I
could make it the 31st but I would really rather not try for that weekend. It
would require marathon driving friday after work... get to jons at like 5 am...
not enough sleep for saturday - drive home sunday - back to work monday. Not a
good deal - been there done that. Weekend of the 7-8th would work... as I'm
taking the last of my vacation then.

I'll admit I'm a little apprehensive about another 24 hours of highway travel
for a weekender... I have lots to get done around the house and up north - but
attending Daktoberfest would give me another shot at finding Geocaches in IL,
IN, OH, and PA. My GPS broke on the return trip this past BBQ and I didnt get
to hit caches in those states. .... heheh... would be nice to see those stats.


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