RE: Internal vs. External Balance

From: Ray Block (
Date: Sun Feb 28 2010 - 13:02:11 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Hedlin
> If your kit was balanced, then you don't need to balance it
> externally. Usually the kits have each piston and rod numbered and
> the builder puts them in the corresponding cylinders.
> I should say this... When I was selecting my components for my 340, I
> knew it was balanced externally FROM THE FACTORY. But since I was
> having it rebuilt with new pistons and rods, I spent a little more to
> have everything balanced to save the hassle of having it balanced
> externally.
> Usually when they externally balance an engine they use counterweights
> on the torque converter or harmonic balancer. But if you're going
> from a external balance engine to an internal balance engine, you'll
> need new ones that are neutral balance.
> But I think since the 360 was internally balanced, you shouldn't have
> anything to worry about.
> Gary

Hey Gary...I wonder if you might have reversed the balance type between the
340 and 360 in your note? Every 318 and 340 I've had has been Internally
balanced (including my magnum 318) and every 360 I've had or heard of was
originally Externally balanced. Just trying to reduce some confusion here.

If indeed your 340 was externally balanced, I would guess it was a '72-'73
model which I believe had cast cranks. The earlier ones for sure had
forged cranks and were internally balanced. Let us know.


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