Re: safe to drive with missing shock bolt?

From: John Dunlap (
Date: Tue Jul 27 2010 - 10:46:08 EDT

This was similar to mine, but a few gravel roads with a couple of
'chuck' holes pushed my shock to the 'closed ' position so it had no
resistance, the new shock has a wider end to it and was a bugger
trying to get the holes to align, had to put in top first and
compress shock with piston jack to line up the lower end to place
bolt....really works well now

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:55 AM, Robert Smith <> wrote:
> I was one of those unfortunates who kept breaking a left front lower shock bolt with ProComp shocks.
> The last one broke off about 1/4" in the lower support & I hadda drill it out.
> It was in such an awkward spot the I couldn't keep the drill properly aligned &
> I buggered up the threads to the point that I hadda drill the hole oversize & use a Helicoil Insert.
> If you look at the lower end of the shock, it "nests" in the lower arm in a small pocket in the forging.
> With the weight of the vehicle on it, I don't think there's an issue driving on smooth roads,
> cuz the shock can't go anywhere...
> I probably drove a hundred miles BEFORE I figgered out where thefront end"clunk" was coming from.
> HTH...
> Bob Smith (DAKSY2K on AIM)
> 2K DAK SY Sport + V6 4X4 5Speed
> 2K08 HD Softail Cross Bones - Not Yellow!


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