Isn't this how Mikes Dak got started on having a solid front axle? Look
how well that turned out.
M.B. wrote:
> Well, I finally found the banjo bolt after 2 hours of driving around
> today from Napa store to Napa store until I found one willing to
> actually look hard enough to find it as it wasn't listed in the computer.
> I got it all back together except the top pin in the drivers side
> caliper (the one that had the messed up banjo bolt), and found out the
> reason it was loose to begin with - the hole on the steering knuckle is
> completely stripped.
> So now I'm screwed - all I can figure is that I either have to find a
> pin with a larger diameter threaded end and tap the hole to that size,
> or I have to helicoil it, or I have to replace the entire steering
> knuckle. All because some idiot probably used an impact gun to tighten it.
> Back to driving my Dad's '00 Merc Sable that eats sparkplugs and has
> 60psi compression on two cylinders...
> M.B.
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