On 20-Sep, 2010, at 01:14 , Barry Oliver wrote:
> Isn't this how Mikes Dak got started on having a solid front axle? Look how well that turned out.
> http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss43/mrmindless/Rausch%20Creek%2020090821/P1000628.jpg
> http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss43/mrmindless/P1000397.jpg
True story! That, caused by a bad wheel bearing and stupidity meeting up. (Don't drive without a stub and nut in your 4x4 hub)
The first pic was building a driveshaft in the parking lot after driving home from halfway to my destination for parts. That was the last far flung wheeling trip before I got the trailer, I dropped off the Jetta that weekend, and picked up the Ram my next trip down.
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