On 19-Sep, 2010, at 22:58 , Andy Levy wrote:
> Seven years
> later, I still kick myself for reacting to news of his midnight (ok,
> 3AM) swim with "yeah, whatever guys, I'll check it out in the morning"
> instead of waking up & getting out of bed.
It really has been that long, hasn't it.
That was a year or two before we torched the front end off my truck in Jon's barn.....
I'd wondered what spiked list activity while I was busy, now I know.
I, for one, love Eaton 13 speeds. Much better than my NV4500 Mopar sourced 5 speed. I don't have anything bad to say about my ChryCo auto, #2 is still doing just fine.
Did some racing this weekend (I codrive this).
We tapped a tree and sheared a steering arm off. It should not have broken, but it did.... Upgrades coming.
Race was looking great for us until then, we had the 4th fastest first lap.
Did some wheeling too
Pics from both (some good Dakota pics halfway through - need a slightly longer coil retainer I guess):
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