Re: It's been raining a lot, but....

From: Robert Schultz (
Date: Thu Sep 30 2010 - 21:48:53 EDT

Thanks guys.

I suspected the A/C, but really, I haven't used it much lately, and it
has been raining. A lot. I've been driving for 2+ hours per day in
heavy rain for most of a week. That got me thinking I had a cabin leak.

Pulling the dash is so far down my list of fun things to do...

Guess I have some (more) work for me on the weekend.


On 10-09-30 02:21 PM, Josh Battles wrote:
> I don't know if I believe that. I'm one of those people who runs the ac with
> Windows down all the time and my carpet is dry. I would bet the drain for
> the hvac box is plugged or the seal to the cowl vent is broken. Check the
> ducting under the box for water, if there's water in the duct its most
> likely a drain issue. If the duct is dry you most likely need to pull the
> dash for a closer look.
> - Josh
> On Sep 30, 2010 11:51 AM, "Zito, James A (GE Energy Services)"<
>> wrote:
>> really, 2 qts of water in the passenger footwell?
>> Rob,
>> In the interests of paying hommage to a smart guy name So Krates, 2
>> quick questions for you.....
>> 1. Do you have AC?
>> ii. Do you use the AC with the windows open?
>> A. Well I hate to say this but since the geniouses @ Chrysler decided
>> it was a good idea to put the evap core INSIDE the cab of the truck,
>> this is a common malady. What happens is the box around the evaporator
>> gets really cold and on nice humid days with the windows open (open
>> windows are the key here] all that water falls out of the air and into
>> the passenger footwell. Now it is also possible that the evap box drain
>> could be clogged and the water that normally forms on the evap itself is
>> backing up into the cabin as well.
>> Jim

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