So, I didn't actually think I'd have a technical question for quite a while, I mean, my Durango is 8 years old, but it only has 80,000 km on the clock!
Weirdest thing happened today though...
I drove to work, no issues on the way there.
A co-worker needed to pick up his truck from a shop after getting some work done, and when we hopped into the D, no stereo - and my stereo is always on.
Weirder thing... no display of ANYTHING.
As you all know, even when you have the stereo turned off, it shows the time, but right now for mine, nothing.
I turned the headlights on, and the lights around the buttons and knobs started glowing - it must have power going to it right?
My co-worker suggested maybe it was a fuse, I checked it, it looked fine, the metal strip was still in tact, but there was a spare 10 amp one in the plastic shield, swapped that in, still nothing.
Has this happened to anyone else before, and if so, what is the solution?
If not, does it sound like a big issue?
And my drive home was about 45 minutes of the longest quietest drive I've ever had...
The Adam Blaster
Two words, figure it out.....
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