On 26-Dec, 2010, at 13:28 , Andrew Kelsey wrote:
> I don't think it's the diff because I don't hear it in 4x2 and it turns in 4x2 or 4x4.
check tcase fluid, see if it's low and/or full of metal. stretched chain hitting the case can do that, and the slack side changes depending on whether it's driving or driven, so it could potentially hit the case in 4x4 and not 4x2.
if that all looks kosher, I'd check out the front diff for the same reason. check pinion bearings first (see if you can move the input side to side or in and out). Then pull the cover and see if there are any parts & pieces in the bottom.
do you feel the noise through the shifter? or are you "pushbutton"? I'm thinking partial engagement and skipping teeth on the shift collar may be a possibility too.
I <3 crazy projects
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