RE: 2nd water pump, 130k

From: Ray Block (
Date: Sat Jan 22 2011 - 17:07:53 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: M.B.
> Must have been a while ago, as none of the local dealerships had the
> factory one anymore, too much "aftermarket support". All the
> aftermarket ones are designed to be "universal" to the Dakota AND the
> Ram, so you end up playing the "how much do I trim off?" game and
> inevitably I lose. ;)
> And no, none of them have springs anymore, they're supposed to be "stiff
> enough" to not collapse under suction now without the spring.
> snip <
> M.B.

True was several years ago. As for "stiff enough", color me
skeptical. The ones I tried felt no different than the OEM hose without
the spring and considering I'm at wide open throttle more often than not, I
won't take the chance of collapsing a hose. YRMV. Too bad the
aftermarket seems to cater to the lowest common denominator for quality.
"Good enough" seems to be the standard and those of us who would pay for
"better" have to suffer for it.


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