On Apr 19, 2011, at 10:59 AM, jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
> One thing that comes to mind is instead of the BBQ, we could have
> a DML get-together at another event like we used to back in the day,
> for example Carlisle, PA in July or the Mopar Nats in Columbus, OH in
> August? I haven't been to the Nats in forever, and it would be nice
> to catch up with Ray and company. :-)
Something Different could be fun, but I've got a pretty busy race
schedule this summer. If it slots in I'd try to make it though.
I don't have any 'mild' destinations in mind otherwise. Everything
that comes to my mind is primative type facilities and/or hardcore
offroad, or much too small for the usual 8-10 trucks/families....
Actually I take that back. One place I can think of is rather similar
to John's. It's a hunting preserve with some offroad trails in Lyons
NY called Whispering Pines.
There's nothing like the shop, nor like the creek/falls, and it's not
free ($25 per truck, $5 per passenger) but they're set up for shooting
trap and skeet and light offroading. In a nutshell: it's mud and mild
trail riding with firearms possibilities. That's my thought for the
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