Re: Starting problems

From: John Dunlap (
Date: Tue May 03 2011 - 15:22:53 EDT

Diesel or what? an open injector can do this because there isnt any back pressure being built up so fuel just continues to flow.... that's what it sounds like to me . . .

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On May 3, 2011, at 8:05 AM, "Azie L. Magnusson" <> wrote:

> Aaron writes:: >> Hey guys.. My ole trucks been
> getting tempermental. Occaisionally.. I'd try to starft
> it, and it actually sounded like it was turning over fast
> like it was low on compression. But would later fire
> up and smell like it was floooded.
> A couple of times. I had to come back and try again i
> n a few minutes.. Each time with the same results..
> Would eventually fire, and behave like the choke was
> stuck for a few seconds.
> Yesterday she didn't want to start.. and when I tried
> this AM.. I still had the same results <<
> You don't say what engine, year, etc & I don' know
> what vehicles all on the list have, but here is an
> observation from years of experience with carburetored
> vehicles... Anytime you flood a cold start engine, it will
> rotate faster than normal - why?? I don't have the
> slightest idea, but it is fact. Someone else mentioned
> an injector stuck open, but I would think it would take
> more than 1 injector to cause the problem.. I'm sticking
> with excess fuel though.
> Face your past without regret.
> Handle your present with confidence.
> Prepare for the future without fear.
> Azie

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