Re: a 6x6 dakota on Ebay

From: M.B. (
Date: Mon Jun 27 2011 - 18:37:48 EDT

Remind me not to buy a Tacoma then. Not that I'd want one. I have to
creep up the parking garage as-is because I can't turn tight enough
going up the ramp and crazy old women driving Toyota Priuses come
bombing down the opposite direction talking on cell phones clipping the
corners like it's a one way street.

On 06/27/2011 09:03 AM, wrote:
> Really?? You think the '95 is bad.. I had a '95 and now have a '93& '94. They turn tighter that the Toyota Tacomas. Wasn't too tight when the rear end was locked.. but the rest of the time I've felt they were extremely maneuverable.
> I would have a ball with that tandem axle set up though..
> ---- "M.B."<> wrote:
>> I wouldn't want to try to get that up the tiny parking garage at work.
>> I have enough problems due to the hideous turning radius of my '95
>> Dakota. :)
>> On 06/27/2011 05:32 AM, Josh Battles wrote:
>>> On Jun 27, 2011 7:24 AM, "Barry Oliver"<> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, *this* looks like a legit car dealer:
>>>> **
>>> For sure dude, I would trust them.
>>> Years ago I saw a truck like this on I-70 near marshall, il. It was graphite
>>> over silver though. Wonder if it's the same truck? Looks like it might be
>>> showing silver on the bumper where it's chipped.
>>> Just yesterday you were telling me you didn't have any more room for
>>> vehicles when I suggested you get another bike...
>>> - Josh

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