Re: 4.7 sucks for towing

From: Andrew Kelsey (
Date: Sat Jul 02 2011 - 10:48:39 EDT

On 7/2/2011 10:32, John Dunlap wrote:
> Is this just a half ton? ya might wanna check on the specs of the tranny as well, if it's a plain jane 1/2 ton tramny may be too light, doesn't hurt to check, either way ... install a tranny cooler in addition to one melded into your radiator... if your hauling long distances , then the sprcial tow weight distribution devise might be needed, I live on a farm in Texas, tow stuff regularly and never needed one, my truck has towed to NW US and is now on it's 5th or 6 th run to Philly... tows great as is, if you tow high profile stuff, ie. , camping trailer, etc., it is recommended...
> Sent from my iPhone

I have only actually towed twice with my truck. It was a small UHAUL
trailer using my bumper hitch. I just like to know what I can do should
I need to do it. I don't expect to ever tow on a regular basis.

-Andrew Kelsey

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