RE: Speakers

Date: Fri Feb 02 1996 - 07:57:41 EST

From: on Fri, Feb 2, 1996 7:30 AM

>> Does anyone know what size speakers will fit in the stocl locations?

>The quick answer is none.

>The Chrysler systems are all designed by Mitsubishi.....

Are you sure about that? There was a long thread on MML about who manufactures
the stereo equipment for Chrysler and there have been a number of manufacturers.
Besides Mitsubishi I remember Clarion was also mentioned.

Going back a few years (85) the FSM made a distinction on the Mitsu stereo and
the CC stereo. I happened to have parted a couple of cars from that time and the
Mitsu Stereo had a completely different look to the internals than the CC
version. And how does Infinity fit into the equation? I doubt that Infinity
would have sold the rights to CC to use the name without having input into the

As far fitting after market speakers into stock locations I have not seen any
consistency between what the manufacturers do and what the after market does.

Dave Clement

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