On Mon, 04 Mar 96 13:37:00 PST,
Ned Vogler <NVOGLER@rghosp.chime.org> said:
Ned> Enjoy that sucker!! Have you noticed any surface rust on any
Ned> undercarriage components?? Rear end, leaf springs, rear brake
Ned> drums?? I've had my truck only 4 months, and already underneath it
Ned> looks like I've had it for 3 years... my only complaint at this
Ned> point... some others have spoken about this also...
(Raising hand) I have this complaint, as well, and I just bought my
truck brand-new. Every new Dakota on the dealer's lot suffered from
this. What can be done about it? Should I crawl around under there
with the sandpaper and go to it? Will that do any good? Harm?
Paul Caskey mailto:pcaskey@swcp.com http://www.swcp.com/pcaskey
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists
elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
-- Bill Watterson, cartoonist
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