Re: '92 318 4x4 with severe whine

From: Robert Allen (
Date: Fri Oct 18 1996 - 09:04:46 EDT

Actor Troy McClure wrote:
> Hi All:
> A guy in my department has a '92 4x4 Dak with 85,000 miles. He took it to the
> local dealer when the rear end started shaking. The dealer replaced the
> u-joints and balanced the drive shaft. The shaking went away but now the rear
> end has a pronounced whine that rises in pitch with the MPH.

The first thing I would do is check real fast if there is any oil in the diff.
Maybe they dumped it and the roach coach arrived before the wrencher filled it
back up.

Then I'd pull the driveshaft and take it to a private shop and see if it is
really balanced.

Bob Allen, Kansas City.

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