Re: Air Filter -Reply

From: Sam (
Date: Mon Nov 11 1996 - 12:32:57 EST

>This makes sense. I did find a couple of dead bees stuck to the
>outside of it. Wouldn't it have been more efficient to use a piece
>of a screen door at the front of the snorkel or something? It's
>hard for me to believe any air gets through this thing. It must be
>a quarter of an inch thick. I guess it must be a lot more porous
>than it looks.

    Funny...I keep getting small birds, stray dogs/cats sucked into
mine! (sick, sorry!)

    Before I put on my FIPK I actually had a Monarch Butterfly in
mine...I was bummed!! I took the splash guard off of the front of the
snorkel, and picked up quite a bit of debris after that.

    With my FIPK I get a fair amount a junk now too, but not too bad.
You can probably get rid of the 'sock', and just keep checking your
filter regularly.
    ...Sam '95 SLT


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