>I'm just curious, but would like to hear some stories about the
>posi-trac rear end. I know in 2wd, this can be very interesting. I've
>experienced it myself (I'm only 17). My dad has the Dakota in the
>family, and as much as I love the Dakotas, I (PLEA FOR MERCY: DON'T
>KILL ME!! PLEASE!) I prefer my ford ranger in the snow. The open
>differential DOES have the problem that if one wheel is on ice or a
>slick spot, it's harder to get going, I know. That's where the
>Posi-trac comes in. But give the Dakota a little too much gas,
>especially in a turn, and you've got a fun fish tail. (Not always fun,
>though, it can be dangerous, and I respect and realize that. I am not
>one of those crazy, do-anything-I-feel-I-can-do teenagers. I know the
>law and respect it most of the time. I do however do a few things to
>help my experience when it's safe.) My father almost hurt his Dakota
>and his boss's '93 Ram when the positrac slid the back end of his truck
>into his boss's truck. No damage though. I was just curious of similar
>stories from other people. I'm not trying to down the Dakota. It's my
>favorite by far, and I want one, but . . . well, as I said, I'm
>curious. Thanx, and Merry Christmas!!
Hey Jerad
I recently had "Sure-Grip" (Chrysler's version of posi-trac) installed on my
truck. I have driven 50,000 without it. There are certainly some
advantages and disadvantages with a locking differential. You have to be
very aware of your application of power on slick surfaces. When I am
driving on wet streets now, I can't (or should'nt) get on it during the turn
because the backend will swing out. On snow or ice I won't be able to push
it as hard as I usually do. And I can see I will be going through tires a
little quicker. But on the flip side of that, My traction 85% of the time
is greatly improved. Now if I am on partially slick surfaces one wheel will
hold me. I own a 19ft Wellcraft boat and sometimes I ran into problems on
the ramps without the limted wheel slip. Now I have twice as much traction
and it makes a big difference.
My Main reason for SureGrip was for off the line starts, especially at the
track. Adding any more power to the truck was useless without the added
traction. In fact it droped my 0-60 foot time by half a second.
Now granted SureGrip (posi-trac) is not necessary for everyone, but its
invaluable to me.
Happy New Year!!
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