Re: Dakota problem

From: marilyn osterhout (
Date: Wed Mar 05 1997 - 18:28:00 EST

At 09:56 PM 3/4/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I had this trouble, it was the acumulation of sludge in the fuel tank. As a
>hunch I blew compressed air back down the fuel line at a gas station along
>the highway, when I got home I dropped the gas tank and cleaned it out, it
>was full of grunge, now it works great.
>Hope this helps,
Hi, Thanks a lot! We'll try that and let you know..
Have a great day!

>Michael Jass
>'87 Dakota Fastback
>'62 Cadillac Sedan de Ville
>At 09:03 PM 2/28/97 EST, you wrote:
>>We have a 91 Dakota truck with a strange problem that the Dodge dealers
>>cannot seem to locate.. Can you help?
>>It is a 3.9 liter V6 automatic with no air...
>>Drives great all over town... close to home... anytime we start and stop
>>Highway driving... first 25 or 30 miles... fine... after that, it seems to
>>slow down, then surge ahead...
>>It started two years ago... winter driving from Michigan to Virginia.. snow
>>and slush.. about 5 hours from home it slowed down, acting as if it would
>>stop.. took it to a dealer off the turnpike... could not find the problem..
>>it drove fine all the rest of the way -- about 11 hours -- and all the way
>>Next time it was the following winter.. driving about 40 miles.. same road
>>conditions... again, afterward it drove fine.
>>This last fall it started again.. warm weather this time, but still highway
>>driving conditions.. more than 25 miles from home, it gives us this problem.
>>After arriving home, we have no problems.. I can drive (8 miles) to work and
>>back with no problem...
>>We have had the transmission filter changed.. oxygen sensor changed...
>>vacuum hose changed... replaced thermostat... another sensor (just has a
>>number 56027015)....
>>Do you have any ideas? It would be much appreciated... I really enjoy this
>>Dakota... but it has us puzzled!


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