Archives and stuff

From: Jon Steiger (
Date: Sat Mar 22 1997 - 01:28:56 EST

   Well, I finally finished adding searching to the archives! It passed my
litmus test... (I knew someone posted a number to get the factory service
manual, but I couldn't find it before. Rather than ask again, I waited until
I finished the search engine stuff and then searched for it. Bingo. First
message, posted by Chuck)

  I'm impressed with how fast the searches go. Actually, what happens is that
an index is created and the searches run off of that, rather than looking
through the archives every time. The index takes almost a half an hour
to create, but the searches are lightning fast. (well, unless its
a really huge one) :)

   I ended up having to install a web server, WAIS, and some supporting
stuff on a server here to pull it off. (It wouldn't compile on the BSD
system that used to be our list server, which I'm currently using for most
of my cgi stuff). So, its actually running on the machine that contains
the archives and the indexes (no network lag); It really screams along,
'cause the computer is a pentium 166 with 192MB RAM, 8GB HD, Linux 2.0.12,
Apache 1.1.3, ARRRH ARRRH ARRRRRH!!!

  Sorry. :)

   Anyway, due to the amount of processor time and memory that creating
the indexes (indeces?) takes, I'm having that run only once a day (at
about 3am). New posts get included in the archives every 15 minutes. So,
if you're searching for something newer than 3am on any given day,
it won't show up through the search despite the fact that it is actually
in the archives.

    As I was creating the archives, I did a few calculations about
our useage and such, and they came out to be:

   To date, the list has received approximately 5,700 e-mail messages,
for a total of over 1.5 million words or about 11.2MB worth of dakota talk.
That's per subscriber. :) Assuming an average of 270 subscribers,
(probably a little high) that means that the list server(s) have distributed
over 1.5million messages, over 408 million words, or over 63.7GB (gigabytes!)
total. Just some silly, useless numbers for 'ya... :)

   I'm outta here; its past my bedtime. :)



    Jon Steiger - Network Administrator for Academic Information Technology
    .- -- -.
    | DoD# 1038, EAA# 518210, NMA# 117376, USUA# A46209, KotWitDoDFAQ |
    | '96 Dodge Dakota SLT V8, '96 Kolb FireFly 447, '91 Yamaha FZR600R |
     I do not speak for SUNY College at Fredonia; any opinions are my own.


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