I must concurr with Rob. I drove my 97 off the dealers lot in mid November
1996 and have had to bring it to the dealer only once, in fact just last
week. I started hearing a rattling noise from about 20 mph on up, sort of
like a heat shield that came loose. Turns out a piece of tape on the drive
shaft started to unravel and was causing the noise. Kinda embarassing when
they told me what was wrong. I'm just about due for my 2nd oil change and
am totally satisfied with my truck.
From: Robert P. Agnew
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 1997 3:22 AM
To: dakota@ait.fredonia.edu
Subject: Re: 1993 Dark Blue & Etc. Paint
>PS: It looks like you, who bought the 97' DAK's are doing Chryslers
>Engineering Road Testing and the Bug workouts (trouble-shooting) for them.
>Good Luck with them, their a nice looking vehical, but it's their 1st year
>out, I'll wait a couple moore years when the Engineering is complete and
>the bugs are worked out.
> John
I disagree with your assertion that 97 owners are doing CCs testing for
them. With the exception of minor paint flaws and a minor wiper squeak
(TSB'd), mine is running flawlessly. In addition to this, I have not heard
any complaints from this list about 97's that were are not also concerns
for older Dakotas.
I believe it is just the opposite, CC has done a fine job of pre-production
engineering and testing of the 97 model.
Rob Agnew
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