Re: 97 dakota:Wrecked

From: Rob Agnew (
Date: Sat Oct 04 1997 - 17:00:36 EDT

At 06:58 PM 4/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I purchased my 97 Dak in October and Loved it, it was the truck I had always
>wanted 5.9, 4X4 and loaded. I work the night shift as system Administrator
>for a fraternal insurance company in Columbus Ohio. I had traded in a 95
>Neon. I was on my way to work on thursday March 28th traveling on a major
>innerbelt here in town when along came a 5 car police chase headed straight
>toward me, I don't remember much of the accident or what I did that day, all
>I know is that I owe my life to the engineers of the Mother Chrysler. I wish
>I had a scanner that I could put the pictures of my truck and and the other
>car on and attach to this letter. The whole driver side of my truck is
>pushed back 4-5 feet. I was released from the hospital on wednesday after
>knee surgery. The only injury I had besides bumps and bruises. So when they
>advertise about the safty features of the best compact truck in the market,
>believe me they know what there talking about

What a testimonial to CC engineering! Sounds like you're lucky to be alive.
Just think what might have happened in you were in your Neon.

I'm sure someone on the list has a scanner to help you out. If not, feel
free to mail copies (4x6 prints) to me and I can get them scanned locally
for you.
Rob Agnew

British Columbia

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