Re: K&N clone

From: jules (
Date: Wed Apr 16 1997 - 00:19:57 EDT

J B Cleary wrote:
> You can't draw any more air than what the throttle body will allow in.
> There should be no problem for the stock exhaust system to handle it.
> While on this subject. I read with interest all the mods everyone is doing
> to their air cleaners. All the open element filters, flipped top covers
> etc. This is all old 1950-60 technology to increase air flow. You may
> think your getting an increase in performance (and you might get a little)
> but I think your just getting more noise than performance gains.


> your sucking hot under-hood air into the engine which everyone knows is
> less dense and produces less power that higher density cool air your
> original system was drawing in from the front of the engine!

WRONG!... ambient air temp from relative wind overcomes hot air in eng
comp... but more imp... warm air in larger quantity is better for torque
that small quantity of denser air volume for volume... basic high school

> Even with these mods your engine can only draw in as much as the throttle
> will allow.

WRONG!... the engine will draw in as much air as it is able to taking
into the total combination of the parts... up to the efficient level of
volumetric efficiency... give a certain air flow as in cfm...

just thot you'd care to know...:)



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