Re: '97 Trany Whoa's

Date: Wed Jun 04 1997 - 00:28:02 EDT

In a message dated 97-06-02 20:56:03 EDT, you write:

<< About a week or so back I posted about my Dealer having sold a truck
 similar to mine except it had an auto. Well after the fella put about 400
 miles on it (we all know that don't take to long, I don't even like gettin'
 outta my truck) he brought it back complaining that it 'shuddered' in
 reverse with a load on it. The Dealer pulled the trany pan and it was full
 of shavings (appearance greater than normal) so they order him a new trany
 and put it in about a week later, guess what new trany does the same thing.
  The mechanic is just scratchin' his head.
 I have a funny feeling that CC may be feeling the ol'e quality control vs.
 demand syndrome. I know these parts are out-sourced but I would bet CC is
 puttin' the pressure on the suppliers as the customer is puttin' pressure
 on CC to produce trucks. What'd ya think?

I think it is a good thing that 5 speeds don't have a pan on them???

Old Boy


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