RE: EVS II Security System

From: Keith R Wanderi (
Date: Wed Jun 11 1997 - 12:00:19 EDT

I have the factory security system on my SLT and the remote, for whatever
reason, has refused to unlock the doors about 3 times in the past 7 months.
I'm am then lowered to using the key which enables the ignition just fine.
 I'm under the impression that the factory security does disable the
ignition, is this true?

Keith R Wanderi
1997 SLT CC 4x4 V6 Auto
K&N FIPK, Gibson Cat-Back

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert F Weingart []
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 1997 10:49 AM
Subject: RE: EVS II Security System

<< When you check out features make sure you can by-pass it if the remotes
won,t work. I have the factory alarm/starter disable on my Chry Cirrus
and when the remotes fail you can't start the car. Stranded my wife at
work once and almost got us again at a gas station. We're going to have
the starter disable part removed.
Jay >>

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