Re: U-Haul turns into "Not-4-U-Haul"

From: Alan Casey (
Date: Mon Jun 23 1997 - 06:09:07 EDT

> Sam:
> > From: "Sam Parthemer" <>
> > Been there, done that... The trailer supposedly weighs about 2000#
> > according
> > the last shmuck at U-haul that I spoke with. I am getting one next week to
> > haul my
> > Jeep to AZ. and back. I told them I had a Dakota, and was hauling a
> > rolling car
> > chassis (frame, wheels, and axle...that's it). Told them I couldn't use a
> > dolly because
> > the setup isn't registered, and the tires weren't really road worthy... I
> > figured the weight
> > to be about 1000# total...
> >
> > I'll be picking up the trailer this coming Friday...
> Where did you get the info that the trailer only weighs 2000 lbs? That would
> put the Camaro&trailer combo within the specs for my Dakota. How did you
> convince them to let you rent the trailer? If you lie about the stuff you are
> carrying, aren't you exposing yourself to some sort of liability in the event
> of a crash?
> This sucks... :^(
> -Scott Vieth

Actually the U-haul car trailor has an empty weight of 2200 lbs. I
rented one a while back to go rescue my sister when she broke down in
Houston (about 150 miles away). The car weighed about 3000 lbs.
When I went to the u-haul shop they asked if I had a compact or a
fullsize (choices, choices???) ? I said I had a fullsize Dodge
Dakota. They said ok. They never looked it up in a computer. That
was it. I paid my $45, they sent a guy out with me to hook it up,
told me to have a good evening, and I left for Houston. I had it
back by the time they opened in the Morning.

I called Ryder first, they will only rent you a car trailer if you
pull it with there big moving truck.

I used to own a compact truck, the only thing they would rent me then
was a single axle moving trailor.

I would suggest trying several U-hauls dealers, especially the big
ones where they are very busy and have young people working the
counter. Maybe thats why I did'nt have any problem.



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