Well, the way the scanner is advertised, you can just scrol thru the
readouts and compare them to the specs in the manual....IF the numbers work,
then all is good...
Now, if a number is bad, that wont necess. mean a bad sensor, but it'll lead
me in the right direction.....
I hope.....
At 07:22 AM 8/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-08-08 03:06:13 EDT, you write:
><< Yeah, I agree...$300 will buy a lot of scanning...But, if I could own the
> tool, that would be great...Besides...It's about $50.00 just for them to
> hook it up to THEIR version of the scanner and tell me they cant find
> anything (been there, done that)......Seems like any time I take a vehicle
> in for "scanning", they end up replacing all sorts of parts that they
> "think" will do the trick...ANd then after a couple hundred bucks, they
> either find the one part that caused it all along, or I end up being a lot
> pooorer with the same problems....
> >>
>yeah bt unless you kow how to read one...you may end up doing the same thing
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