WillTier@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-08-10 01:48:33 EDT, you write:
> << As far as widening steel wheels you might want to contact Stockton
> Wheel. They've been around for years and specialize in steel wheels.
> They advertise in just about all the mags. Hope it helps. >>
> Thanks Jay. There is a place locally that does the wheels so that
> isn't the
> problem. I have checked a few junk yards for a wheel but no Dakota
> stuff and
> I hate to pay 117 dollars for a stock steel wheel. Someone had told of
> a
> place where you could get up to 10 wheels for Dak but can't find it.
> Bill
Call WHEELS OF STEEL in California. They will custom make you steel
wheels in 8 or 10" widths for around 55 bucks each. (209) 627-2703
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