RE: Running boards

From: Keith R Wanderi (
Date: Mon Aug 18 1997 - 07:34:26 EDT

You might try Lund Industries. I have a set of molded fiberglass ones on
my 97 Club Cab and like them very much. They are extremely sturdy and
solid. I'm not sure of price, around $125 I think, as mine were on the
truck when I got it. If you want, I can send you a picture in .jpg format
of how they look. Let me know your e-mail as we don't want to burn that
much bandwidth on the list.

Keith R Wanderi
1997 SLT CC 4x4 V6 Auto
K&N FIPK, Gibson Cat-Back

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 1997 1:31 PM
Subject: Running boards

Does anyone know of anyone making running boards for the '98 (I guess same
as '97)
Dakotas? I do not really want the nurf bars or the ones that look like
ground effects
with a place to step. Nor do I want the bright diamond cut work truck
boards. I am
looking for a good sturdy step (black) that goes wheel well to wheel well,
with the
moldings on each end. (No, I'm not picky :)). I do like the ones on the
Toyota 4-Runners,
but the Toyota dealer said that they do not sell that particular one for
purposes and that they are made specifically for their trucks. (Big
surprise, but I
thought that I would try). I did find some by DeeZee (black extruded), but
they did not
go from end to end...too short and I have the fender flares that come with
the wheel and
tire package, so the boards are not made to tie into the fender flares.
 Any suggestions??

Holly Gardner
'98 Black Dakota "Sport" 4x4, V-8, 5-speed, CC, etc. (Still loving it!!)
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