At 01:32 PM 2/24/98 EST, you wrote:
>I've been considering lowering the back of my 97 Dakota CC 2X4. I've measured
>tire clearance vertically to the fender lip, 5 inches in front & 8 inches in
>the rear (give or take alittle). I figure a 2 inch drop should do. I had a
>chance to peek under my truck finally (didn't have to kneel in the snow) &
>noticed the shocks are mounted to the rearend. The 2inch drop pushes the
>rearend up 2 inches, thus compressing the shocks the same amount.
> My question is...... Has anybody bottomed out the shocks carrying a
>load? Or have you used different shocks that some manufactuers recommend as
>part of their package? If I'm going to do this, it will be right or not at
>all. This way I know the "total" cost with no grief, or hunting down shorter
Hello Bob,
I did this to my 97CC 2x4 with 2" blocks to make it level. They are not
the best way to go but they are cheap and easy (well relatively, the blocks
I got I had to grind the locating hole for the spring locator, not fun
without a die grinder and an aluminum bit) I still have the stock shocks
at the moment.
I have had about 1400 pounds in the bed and did not notice any bottoming,
but I was not traveling fast with it (taking 8 people through a deep
Florida el~nino puddle) so that might not be the best indicator. I would
think that the factory would have engineered the axle to hit the bump stop
before the shock bottomed, but I have not verified it.
Hope this helps
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