Bruce Aaron Hefner wrote:
> Speaking as one who slept through High school I must disagree, I haven't
> really struggled since being in college, I've currently got a 3.0 in a
> school with an average GPA of 1.6 (At most schools Dean's list is a 4.0,
> at GA Tech it's a 3.0), we have the top 10% of the students in
> the country and in some classes we have 80-90% failure rates, so I think
> I'm doing pretty well....And yes you are correct, a parent has a right to
> be proud of their kids and they should be supportive of them no matter
> what, but those bumper stickers are so obnoxious, there's gotta be a
> better way to show you're pride....
I know it may seem like BS to you now, but wait a few years (or more
than a few if you're only 20) until you have your own kids. Your
priorities and whole perspective on life will change.
I'm not a fan of obnoxious bumper stickers myself, but I can definitely
understand why people want to announce to the world that they're proud
of their kids. Too bad more people are not that supportive of their
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