On Mon, 9 Mar 1998 Russ wrote:
>O.K. Gents,
> I will be the first to admit that l am far from mechanically
>inclined. I
>currently have the FABM mod on my truck. However, l was thinking, if
>you left
>the factory setup like it was (just add a K&N filter to the stock
>box), but
>replaced the horn that ran to the fender with a flexible piece of
>tubing (l
>have no idea what kind, maybe dryer hose or something) and ran it
>through the
>"black mat material" on the front of the engine compartment right next
>to the
>radiator, wouldn't that work like a ram air system? It might not be a
>improvement, but every little bit helps. At least that way you would
>getting a gulp of cold air. Let me know if anyone has already done
>this, or
>if anyone thinks this is the dumbest idea they have ever heard of.
This is not a dumb idea, in my opinion since I have been attempting the
same thing. I got in touch with Sean Meldrum late last year to ask about
a NASCAR type cowl induction for the DAK. This means no raised hood, but
fresh air coming in at the base of the windshield into an enclosure
around the aircleaner. I asked Sean if he knew of a way to do this as
there was so little space available on the firewall of my '95. He agreed
that this was a great idea and he was looking into the same thing
himself. He too agreed that there was very little space on the firewall
to accomplish this, however. He said that the factory had the right idea
with the hose to the air cleaner but didn't go far enough. He said it
would be better to have two hoses of at least a 3" diameter (though 4"
would be better) to the air cleaner. He pointed me to Scott Miller's
homepage (http://membes.tripod.com/~racetruck). Scott put an air inlet on
the left side of the grill to match the one on the right and mated it to
the air cleaner. Sean also clued me in to a device called the Ram Air
Box. This is a twin snorkel device designed to fit around a K&N (or
clone) FIPK using the K&N top and base with the free flowing air filter
element inside. You can get their catalog by e-mail: ramairbx@wchat.on.ca
I have been trying to obtain one of these things for over a month now
through my local speed shop, but since Super Shops went belly up, he's
been kinda swamped. He also tells me that he has a similar device by
someone else. I'm going to look at it Saturday.
Take a look at Scott's page. It's not hard to do what you are thinking.
Richard Pyburn
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