Unless the paint already on it is scratched up really badly or peeling you
shouldn't have to strip it off, just make sure it is clean and dry before
you paint, the technique Gene outlined would work okay, it's just
personally I'd remove the parts to paint them, that way you don't have to
worry about overspray getting on your truck.......
> I would pay someone else to remove the part, I'd take it over on the west coast and paint it
> so I wouldn't overspray onto my truck, which I would leave in NC. Then I'd bring it back
> after I was sure it was dry (a year or two.)
> But seriously, I'm only thinking about Valve Covers and small items easily removed. On the
> valve covers, though. What would the process be of painting? Do I need to strip the old
> paint off? What about putting other stuff on it other than paint, i.e. primer/clear coat?
> Robert Trottmann
> rotrottmann@davidson.edu
> Bruce Aaron Hefner wrote:
> >
> > You can get the paint pretty cheap at any auto store, the only question is
> > how confident are you in your painting abilities. :)
> >
> > Bruce
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