Re: Throttle Body Air flow director -Reply

From: Michael Z-Sykes (
Date: Wed Mar 18 1998 - 09:34:51 EST

how much HP are we lookin' at with one of those? I'm interested!
-mike sykes

>>> WillTier <WillTier@AOL.COM> 03/17/98 10:08pm >>>
In a message dated 98-03-16 14:59:25 EST, you write:

<< Has anybody tried one of the plastic TB air flow directors
 mentioned in the Magnum Performance Tips article that Michael Clark
 posted?. >>

I heard it is like $50 or some rediculous thing and would have to be
to work with most TB's . Bull Dung !!

Sean Melldrum was working on one that looked better than that one and
would be
much less. I don't think he has them ready yet, researching materials for


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