I agree if your gonna do something you might as well use the best quality
stuff you can find so you only have to do the job once.....
> Lowering is a topic that can fill volumes (or magazines) . The methods
> some use to lower their trucks is absolutely frightening and has caused
> me to ask more than one enthusiast at a show, "Why the hell did you do
> it THAT way?" Be careful when selecting the components you use on your
> truck, shop around. The sweet taste of a good deal sours quickly when
> the quality of the crud you bought brings you to your knees (or the
> emergency lane of the freeway). I agree with John, spend twice as much
> as you can afford on the suspension of your Kota guys. Keep 'em on the
> road long enough to embarrass all the Rangers and other
> pseudo-performance trucks on the streets.
> To clear the air, I was working on my truck while we were doing the
> testing for Truck of the Year. Not my fault guys. When I found out the
> results, I bitched, griped & moaned about their stupidity. When they
> told the results for the R/T truck we tested however, I laughed. I'm not
> sold on 5.9's. My 5.2 outperformed it even before the blower was
> installed.
> Give 'em hell guys...
> Lance L. Martz
> LanceM@mcmullenargus.com
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