BEER, non-Dak alert

From: Rader (
Date: Thu May 21 1998 - 12:15:12 EDT

> (mine was a half keg [15.5 US gal] of beer

> Guys! That was a keg, or a half barrel you're talking about.. they don't sell
> "1/2 kegs" to my knowledge A barrel being either 32 or 33 gallons U.S.

  US beer barrel == 31 gal

  You are correct that a beer keg == 1/2 beer barrel (15.5g), but if you buy kegs
from a lot of stores, you'll find that 95% of them refer to a half barrel as a "half
keg," and a quarter barrel as a "quarter (or pony) keg." So you see, they actually
do sell "1/2 kegs."

  Seems that the term keg isn't very standardized, at least in common retail use.

  Ron "Brew Too Much" Rader

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