Western Chassis installation

From: Stephan Boianoff (sboianoff@mdc.com)
Date: Mon Jun 15 1998 - 14:50:22 EDT

>Someone mentioned they were about to install a Western Chasis
>lowering kit. Sorry, didn't catch the person's name, but how did it go? I
>*FINALLY* rec'd my front a-arms to go along with the rest of the kit so I
>can get on with installing it. Would like to hear about any gotchas before
>I get started.

That was Gary Ludwick. The last I heard from him (I am very interested
as well) he had a hell of a time getting the rivets out of the rear
shackles/hangers (something to the tune of 45 minutes apiece). He was
going to look into having someone else do the work I believe. There is an
article on the installation of the front pieces in the current issue of Truckin'
(August '98). Check it out...it's not the easiest mod to do.


BTW, what are your impressions of the quality of the pieces?

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